How To Protect Your Urban Pet As A City-Dwelling Pet Owner

Image source: Anthony Fomin from Unsplash
Pets living in a concrete jungle have a fast-paced and exciting life. They take the subway, hang out at the café and play around with other animals in the city parks.
Having a pet in a big city is a beautiful thing and US states, such as New Jersey, have made great advancements in ensuring that there are many pet-friendly areas and well-designed dog parks where you can take your dog to run around.
However, as a city-dwelling pet owner, you have great responsibilities, and just as it is for humans, it is also an adaptation for pets to live in a big city. The new environment comes with many positive aspects, but it also poses certain dangers for your furry friend which might be a challenge.
If you live in a high population density state such as the Garden State, make sure you look it up online and find pet insurance in NJ as it is one of the most important tips for protecting your pet from urban hazards.
In the article below, we offer helpful advice on how to protect your urban-living pet and make both of your lives less stressful and much happier.
Garbage Cans
Image source:
Pets, especially dogs, love little odd bits lying around and when living in a big city, chances are that there is a ton of garbage in easy access around on the streets. It may smell interesting to them and the dog may think it is full of tasty treats.
Garbage cans can be filled with rotting food, chemically treated items, sharp objects, and other potential hazards. When you’re out walking your pooch, make sure to be hyper-vigilant and extra careful when your dog sniffs things scattered around trash cans.
If your pet is one of the smart animals that opens and gets inside cupboards, then it is important to ensure waste management in your home too. Get a security lock for the cabinet and do not leave the garbage bag in the hall unattended. Dogs and cats can be quite tenacious when they have found the source of the smell that has spread in the home and they are fast on their paws to investigate.
Watch Out For Traffic
Puppies are fast and easily slip out of the car if given the chance. Always have the puppy on a leash on busy roads. A large and obedient dog should also be watched carefully when out on crowded streets.
Keep in mind that sometimes there are sounds from an unknown origin that scare the dog and may trigger it to run in front of a passing car or chase it. For this reason, the first thing to do is to train your pup. Obedience is one of the most important aspects of training them. A well-trained dog is often a happier dog as well. It also helps strengthen the bond you have by building certain communication, understanding, and mutual respect.
Training the dog is important and a way to avoid unnecessary situations that could otherwise occur and lead to tragedies. When you live in a big city, you might lose the leash and the dog can run out straight in the traffic. Should this happen and you have trained your dog well enough, you can prevent problems from arising by having commands that make the dog stop or sit.
Bird Droppings
Image source: Felix Haumann from Pexels
When living in a city, bird droppings are a very frequent sight on the streets, your balcony, and on your car. Dogs and cats are like small children exploring the world through their noses and mouths. They smell, taste, and eat anything, including feces from other animals. Unfortunately, some serious diseases can be transmitted from bird droppings.
Bird droppings from pigeons, in particular, are likely to contain cryptococcus. It can cause a disease with similar symptoms to an upper respiratory infection like sneezing and runny nose and eyes and it can be life-threatening. Therefore, make sure that any bird droppings are removed from surfaces that your pet frequently goes to.
Hot Pavements
Hot sidewalks can seriously damage your dog's paws. The long, sunny summer days can provide good dog walking weather, but the bright sunshine can also heat sidewalks, streets, and driveways and this is dangerous for your pooch.
If your dog needs to go for a walk during the summer, try getting up early in the morning before the sun has had a chance to heat the ground. An evening walk can also reduce exposure to a heated sidewalk.
Shady and green areas that are not in direct sunlight most of the day may also be safer. However, you may live in an area where the grass is sparse or where you simply cannot avoid walking on the sidewalk. If so, you should protect your dog's paws from the heat by getting special shoes, socks, and various creams you can find in a pet store or from the veterinarian.
Final Thoughts
Living in a big city comes with many challenges and headaches but in no way does it mean that you and your pet cannot live a healthy and happy lifestyle. However, it does mean that you must be extra careful as a pet owner and learn about possible perils the animal could be exposed to and how to prevent and protect it.
We mentioned certain dangers that you might not recognize as they are very ordinary and common when living in a city, but after reading the article, you’ll surely become more aware and attentive.