How To Help Your Dog Recover From Surgery Quickly

When your dog goes for surgery, even for a routine procedure like being spayed, they will need some extra care and attention while they recover. Give your pet the best so they can heal quickly and get back to their happy selves.

Listen To Your Vet's Advice

After any type of surgery, it's very important that you listen closely to the instructions that your vet gives you to aid in your pet's recovery. They will tell you what behaviors to watch for and if any changes to the amount of food and water they consume are needed. If the after-care treatment is very involved, ask for written instructions or take notes so you don't forget anything.

Sometimes you will be required to administer a medication to your pet following surgery. In these cases, follow the instructions on the prescription bottles carefully. Don't skip any doses or stop the medicine early because you think they no longer need it. This can cause problems and may result in needing further treatment later on. A lot of times, it's difficult to notice if a pet is in pain or what their needs are. You are better off sticking to the vet's instructions than making a guess as to what is needed.

Other types of products may help your pet recover quickly. If they seem to be having some pain or anxiety, then a CBD oil for dogs may help to calm them down and make them more comfortable. Check with your veterinarian before you give any treatments to your pet to be sure they are safe after surgery.

If something is unclear, or a new concern comes up, reach out to your vet for advice. Don't guess. You could make the problem worse and cause more issues for your pet.

Keep An Eye on the Incision 

The surgical site will be vulnerable to infection right after the procedure. Listen to your vet's instructions on how best to care for it and keep it clean. You may be required to disinfect it and possibly bandage the area several times a day, or it may be best to leave the area alone. 

Your dog may be given a cone to wear to keep them from licking at the incision. If not, watch your pet closely so she doesn't bother the site. 

Monitor Your Pet's Behavior

You may notice that your pet acts strangely directly after surgery. It is common for them to be sleepy and disoriented but check with your vet so you know how long this should last. 

Keep a close eye on your dog for other differences in behavior. If they have no energy or desire to interact with you, they stop eating or drinking, or have been vomiting or displaying other signs that something is off, call your vet. They may just take a little longer to recover, or perhaps there is a complication that needs to be addressed.

Spend More Time Together

Your pet is going to be more vulnerable after their surgery, in more ways than just the physical. Some dogs have a lot of anxiety over visiting the vet or leaving home at all. When that stress is combined with suddenly being sore or in pain, and not able to move around as they are used to, they may need you to reassure them that everything is okay.

Spend some quality time together. Pet and talk to your dog to soothe her and help her relax and feel safe. If she has a favorite toy or blanket, keep it close by. Being surrounded by familiar things will help her to rest more easily.

Know the limits your pet has for exercise after their surgery and do your best to keep them from overdoing it. Some dogs, especially young puppies, are difficult to keep calm as they want to constantly play and move around. When your dog seems like they are ready for more activity, take it slow and check the incision to be sure it is healing correctly.

Surgery is never easy, but with a little extra love and care, you can get your pet through it and have them up and about in no time.

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